Our Program
Hood River Options Academy (HROA) is a program of the Hood River County School District (HRCSD) with limited enrollment. With personalized web-based learning, students can learn at their own pace and with their unique learning style on a flexible schedule within the confines of the HRCSD academic calendar. This program allows students in Hood River County to access classes online with in person and online guidance by HRCSD licensed teachers. The program has a capped enrollment, and a lottery system is used if there are more applicants than spots available. During the week, teachers support learning at the HROA building (1011 Eugene Street) and online through virtual meetings. More information is available on the HROA website available through the HRCSD main website. Requests for enrollment are open in May each year for the following academic year.
HROA Keys to Success
To be successful at HROA students should expect to invest a similar amount of time to their online classes as they would to any in person class. Depending on the course, students may be required to come into the HROA Building to take tests, and to fulfill other class requirements. Students and families are expected to attend Google Meets, in person support sessions and asynchronous learning through their learning platforms (Acellus, SchoolsPLP, IXL, iReady). As with students in brick and mortar classrooms, attendance is taken daily and students are expected to engage with learning materials for 4-5 hours per day. While HROA can offer more freedom and flexibility in scheduling, there is greater responsibility to take ownership of one’s learning. It is critical that students and families work to connect with staff at HROA.
With a focus on College and Career readiness, instructors will work with students to help them get the most out of their online learning platform. Students will be coached on how to use various note taking techniques to reinforce learning and to apply learning objectives from their courses. Notes can be taken in the HROAwesome Notebooks provided by HROA instructors, taken in a spiral notebook, or done digitally. Notes should be handwritten (with some exceptions) and used any time the student is engaging with their learning platform. These notes will be turned in at the midterm and final for all core classes.